Many of us associate our most deeply-held convictions with a single, life-changing experience. Others have always held
certain beliefs sacred. In either case, it is important to talk about our experience and share our story or testimony.
use this page to offer my testimony. For example, if a particular experience or event has been especially inspiring for me,
I might recount that experience in detail. I might talk about how empty life felt before I found my way, or how my beliefs
have allowed me to overcome obstacles such as deaths, sickness ,and war.
I was raised in a Christian home.I grew up knowing God and Jesus.I thought that God and I were best friends,until
that night when I was walking the dog, a thought appeared in my head.I asked myself,do I really have a good relationship with
the Lord?He has given me so much and has loved me no matter what.Surprisingly,the very next day,my question was answered.The
church sermon was about people doubting their realtionship with God,and it all became clear.That day I learned that you don't
have to be the perfect church goer,or the holy neighbor,or hold yourself on a polished peddlestool.All that you have to do
is be the good sameratan,trust God,ask for forgivness,and believe that the Lord is your savior.That is my story.I can't wait
to hear yours.